Scientists at the Australian Academy of Sciences have issued a statement on dangers of global warming.The statement notes carbon emissions need to be cut by more than half by 2050 to keep temperature rises to less than two degrees.
This is the first time the influential institute has taken a public stance on climate change. Australian media and climate analysts believe it is an indication that science institutes here are no longer willing to go along with the conservative attitude of policy makers.
“The skeptics’ campaign has been abetted by people in country’s policy circles,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation said. Kurt Lambeck, climate scientist at Australian National University, said the current misinformation is confusing the public.
Quality of climate science is improving but the debate seems to be degenerating. Green party senator Christine Milne said the ruling Labor Party did talk of a moral imperative to arrest climate change in 2007, but now the issue does not figure prominently in party’s agenda. Science institutes can pre ssure it to change its ways.