Festival of Gandhian Ideas – Rediscovering The Mahatma
Festival of Gandhian Ideas
“Rediscovering the Mahatma”
Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated every year on October 2nd to mark the birth anniversary of The Father of our Nation. In order to help our citizens and our Nation to rediscover the intellectual eminence and the moral richness of the Father of our Nation, The Council for Social Justice and Peace of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman and Peaceful Society, Goa, are organizing a “Festival of Gandhian Ideas”, a series of five lectures during the month of October 2013.
It is a great opportunity to rediscover the richness and the relevance of Gandhiji’s teachings and principles on matters which are of vital importance to this State and to our Nation.
The Lectures on Morality in Public Life, The Conduct of Business, Trade and Commerce, Gandhiji’s View on Panchayat Raj, Gandhiji’s Views on Education, and Gandhiji’s Fundamental Principle – Commitment to Satyagraha will be delivered by eminent persons from Gandhian Institutions in different States of India.
You are cordially invited to attend in this series of lectures and be more inspired to proclaim them in your daily life and encourage others too.
Thanking you,
For further details please contact the Council for Social Justice and Peace. Mob. No. 9326428375 or by E-mail at csjpgoa@gmail.com.
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Fr. Savio Fernandes Mr.Kumar Kalanand Mani
Executive Secretary Executive Secretary
Council for Social Justice and Peace Peaceful Society
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Reimagining India

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Tracking Hunger

Emerging India either does not know or ignores the statistics: Half its children are malnourished, a record worse than the world’s symbol for deprivation, sub-Saharan Africa. In 2009, India was ranked 66th of 88 countries in the Global Hunger Index drawn up by the International Food Policy Research Institute. In 2010, India’s rank slipped to 67 of 85 countries. India is home to a quarter of the world’s hungry – about 230 million people – according to a World Food Programme report released on March 2009. More than 455 million Indians survive on US$ 1.25 (Rs 56 approximately) a day or less, compared with 420 million in 1981. The government vows to bring in a new law giving its citizens a right to food, but its efforts are disjointed and often characterised by corruption and a lack of empathy. The Hindustan Times’“Tracking Hunger” series is a nationwide effort to track, investigate and report the struggle to rid the nation of hunger and malnutrition. Read more »